Highlight One Product With a Marketing Product Feature Menu
In this blog, we are going to highlight the flexible marketing ‘Product Feature Menu'. The 'Product Feature’ digital menu allows BudSense users to display a singular product on an entire menu screen with the goal of getting your customers excited about a product and influence their purchasing decision. BudSense’s menus are built to improve customer experience, communicate product information, and create efficiencies in your operation.
Marketing menus have the ability to engage and entice your customers.
This photo was taken at Farmer Jane Cannabis Co. in Regina
Improve your customer’s experience with marketing digital menus
For starters, your Product Feature digital strategy should include engaging images, video, motion graphics, and a colour palette that elevates your brand and the product you are featuring.
Consider promoting items using high-quality, high-resolution visuals that are set up near the Point of Purchase in your store. This could be near your category display case, your producer marketing assets, or the point of sale system.
Tastes like blackberries or mild grapes 🍇
Spotlight hot items
It’s all about the upsell and upsize. Get your cannabis customers excited about moving to more profitable, high-dollar items. With BudSense you have the ability to pick any product and feature it on your cannabis menu.
Consider how you can use your Product Feature digital menu to drive sales through advertising your hot items in a limited-time offer campaigns that promote a value offer.
These Raspberry gummies are sweet, fruity and a little sour.
Tempt your customer’s senses
When you walk into a McDonald’s restaurant and stare at the digital menus to select your order. You’ll often see bacon sizzling on the grill or an icy soda with beads of condensation running down the glass alternating with the listed product menus. This is McDonald’s way of tempting your senses with marketing digital menus. With BudSense Product Feature marketing menus, you have the ability to include videos or images that will tempt your customer’s senses and arouse emotion.
These gummies are slightly tart but have a sweet blueberry and floury flavor 🫐
Communicate Cannabis Product Info
Not only do Product Feature menus engage and entice customers, but they are also very informative. With only one product being shown in the menu, Product Feature menus have the ability to share more product information about that product. A Product Feature menu can include product visuals, THC and CBD values, stain type, quantity per package, price, producer, flavour profiles and written product information.
Tastes like a tarty blueberry 🫐
Create Efficiencies in your Dispensary
Which is more important for growing sales: flexible digital menu technology, or a dynamic creative that motivates purchasing decision-making? Actually, it’s a combination of both. With Product Feature menus, you can highlight certain products and promotions in-store at a scheduled time for as long as you’d like.
Not only should your digital menu be sophisticated enough to give you the flexibility and control to make quick changes, but it should also come with the expertise, resources and knowledge to help you take full advantage of the BudSense platform. Better communicate product information and improve your in-store merchandising with your customers. Influence them. Experience the true purpose of digital signage — make selling weed easy.
These Marionberries Gummies taste rich and earthy with a flavor that is sweet with slightly sour undertones.
How do I learn more about BudSense?
Great Question! Book a demo today to learn more about how BudSense can enhance your cannabis dispensary!