Less Is More: Why A Limited Menu Is Good For Your Dispensary

When it comes to running a successful cannabis dispensary, less can definitely be more. Having a limited menu might seem counterintuitive, but it's actually the key to keeping your customers happy and coming back for more. Here's why you should consider trimming down your selection and why a simple menu is good for business.

The Benefits of Simplicity

Having fewer cannabis products doesn’t mean that your dispensaries selection is any less impressive — in fact, it usually has the opposite effect. Cannabis customers appreciate being able to quickly find what they’re looking for without having to sift through an overwhelming array of options. This makes their shopping experience much easier and faster, which they’ll likely appreciate, especially if they’re in a hurry or don’t have time to browse all available products.

It also allows them to get the most value out of their experience with you as well as their purchase; by limiting your selection, you give them the opportunity to focus on items you really want to sell or items that offer a better customer experience overall.

Curate Your Selection

When paring down your selection of cannabis products, don't just randomly delete items from your menu; instead, think strategically about what you want each item on there to represent. Consider curating your selection so that each item is unique and offers something special that other products don't have. For example, this could be accomplished by unleashing the dynamic duo of badges and labels to showcase high THC, New Drops, and Sales products together — this way, customers will have no problem choosing exactly what they're looking for without having too many options to choose from.

Another example, is for an edibles menu, you could divide up your menu into different flavors; the same goes with flower strains or vapes — variety is key! But also make sure not to overdo it — remember that less is more!

At the end of the day, keeping things simple at your cannabis dispensary is always going to be beneficial for both cannabis customers and retail operators alike. Not only does it make finding the right product much easier and faster but it also ensures that each item carries its own unique value while still offering cannabis customers plenty of choice in terms of product types and varieties. So next time you're updating your menu, remember - less really is more!

If you’d like some help configuring your cannabis menu backgrounds, as always you can reach out to our live support or schedule a video call. We’re here to help!

We also have attached a short video on how to set the row count to your cannabis menu in BudSense.

Thanks for your continued support. We continue to learn from customers’ feedback and actively take those learnings to make effective changes to our product!

How to set the row count in BudSense

With BudSense, the control and design of your menus are in your hands. You can access your own cannabis menus to make changes in real-time from anywhere.


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