How to Use Smart Filters to Streamline Multiple Newsletter Groups

In our previous article, we uncovered the significant impact that a vital 20% of customers have on the cannabis retail industry. 

These groups are characterized by distinct preferences and consumption habits, ranging from high-volume enthusiasts to discerning connoisseurs. 

Now, we're taking a practical approach to engage these diverse customer types. If you need a refresher, you can revisit the previous article here. We'll be diving into how to streamline your newsletter communication, ensuring that each group receives the information they desire. Let's explore the tailored filters designed to cater to the specific interests of each customer segment.

Managing communication with a wide array of customer types can feel overwhelming at times. 

That's why we're simplifying it down to two distinct groups to maximize effectiveness. By focusing on the unique preferences and interests of high-volume enthusiasts and savvy shoppers on one hand, and discerning connoisseurs, local aficionados, and trendsetters on the other, you can ensure that each segment receives content that directly aligns with their preferences. 

This streamlined approach not only makes your communication strategy more manageable but also enhances the overall experience for every valued customer. Let's delve deeper into how these filters work to fine-tune your customer communication strategy.


High-Volume Enthusiasts and Savvy Shoppers

two women looking at computer

These smart filters will automate your newsletter to pull a list of products with graphics and simplify the newsletter creation process for deel seeking customers. 

Deal Seekers Filter:

  • Filter for on sale products

Best Value THC Filter:

  • Select products with THC levels above 25% for a potent experience.

But make sure to add another filter to make sure the price doesn’t go too high. 

For your 3.5g flower filter for example you would add a filter like this:

  • < $42

The combination of these two filters would create a product list for value customers that love their THC. 

two women looking at computer

Popular Products Filter:

Identify products with high sales volumes and positive customer reviews.

Highlight items that offer great value for their price. You can easily filter these by marking them with a price code to make sure they can be automatically picked up and automated. 

This one is a little tricky but we are here to help. Just send us an email if you’re curious about maximizing automation in your newsletter creation process. 


Group 2: Discerning Connoisseurs, Local Aficionados, and Trendsetters

man looking at phone

Premium Selection Filter:

  • Curate products from premium brands known for exceptional quality.

This one is pretty simple. BudSense smart filters have the ability to track a list of brands. Just add the highly desirable premium brands you know your top 20% spending customers [link] would love to pick up and the rest is automated!

Local and Small Batch Filter:

  • Highlight products sourced from local growers or produced in small batches.


By employing these smart filters, you can effortlessly cater to the distinct preferences and interests of each customer group. This targeted approach not only enhances their engagement but also solidifies their loyalty to your dispensary. Let's delve deeper into how these filters work to fine-tune your customer communication strategy.

You can put a bunch of smart filters in one group and get all the products. Or you can split these up into separate lists so when you go to add the automated content to your newsletter you can chunk out each list in sections.

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