Smart Filters and How They Power Digital Cannabis Menus

BudSense simplifies the management of digital cannabis menus, adapting to industry changes with ease. Our smart filters help retailers handle new products, update batch information, and remove out-of-stock items effortlessly, revolutionizing menu management.


The Power of Smart Filters

Smart filters are the cornerstone of BudSense’s flexibility. They allow you to configure individual sections of your digital cannabis menu, ensuring only the exact products you want are displayed. Once set up, these smart filters run automatically, updating your menu seamlessly as new products come in and out-of-stock products are removed. This automation takes the hassle out of manual updates, keeping your menus accurate and up-to-date without constant oversight.


Hands-On Support

At BudSense, we understand that transitioning to a new system can be challenging. That’s why we offer comprehensive support when you sign up. Our team will assist you in setting up your menus to ensure they function correctly. Additionally, you can make changes at any time, and if you ever have questions or need assistance, our support chat is always available. Just click the chat bubble in the bottom right corner to connect with our team.


Purpose-Built for Cannabis Retail

Unlike many digital menu systems adapted from hospitality or retail signage, BudSense is purpose-built for cannabis retail from the ground up. Other systems often rely on tedious updates to your POS data sets and fall short in managing cannabis products effectively. BudSense’s smart filters provide powerful tools specifically designed to build better digital cannabis menus.


What Makes a Smart Filter?

Smart filters consist of various options to narrow down the group of products you wish to display. They can be as simple as selecting a product type, such as “Flower,” or as complex as filtering by multiple criteria like product type, variant type, THC percentage, and specific badges like “Staff Pick.” With over 25 criteria available, including product type, price, THC content, cultivator, sale status, inventory count, and pricing code, BudSense ensures you have the flexibility to expertly curate your menus.


Smart Filters in Action

Each section of your digital cannabis menu uses its own smart filters. For example, a simple digital menu might have Sativa, Hybrid, and Indica sections, each with a basic smart filter:

  • Sativa: Product Category ‘Flower,’ Strain Type ‘Sativa’

  • Hybrid: Product Category ‘Flower,’ Strain Type ‘Hybrid’

  • Indica: Product Category ‘Flower,’ Strain Type ‘Indica’


Advanced Smart Filter Examples

  • High THC Flower: Creating a menu dedicated to high-THC products can help boost sales by attracting customers looking for potent options.

  • Drive Low Stock Dead Inventory: Showcase products under a certain inventory threshold to move dead stock out the door, allowing the smart filter to automatically update this section as inventory levels change.

  • Clearance Pricing Code: Automatically merchandise clearance items by updating the pricing info in your POS. For example, change the price to end in .79, and your smart filter set to receive pricing codes with ‘0.79’ will populate the clearance menu with marked-down products.


By leveraging smart filters, BudSense empowers cannabis retailers to manage their digital menus with precision and ease, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Experience the power of BudSense and transform your cannabis retail operations today.

manage cannabis menus ease

Ready for Your Menus to Stand Out ?

Book a demo today to learn more about how BudSense can enhance your cannabis shop!

Remember, selling weed is supposed to be fun - and with BudSense it can be! Let us help you create better digital, print, and web menus.


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