This Dispensary Menu is Inspired by Cheech & Chong Man
Cheech & Chong
Cannabis Dispensary Menu Inpiration
Selling weed is supposed to be fun.
Here is your chance to get inspired. Try new things, get creative, and build better menus using BudSense. We can’t wait to see how these blog posts inspire you to put a little extra creativity into your web, print and digital menus.
Next up in the series - Cheech and Chong.
Cheech & Chong
Fun Fact:
Cheech and Chong are the OG’s of Stoner Comedies. Together they have co-created, co-wrote, and co-starred in eight movies total. Here they are ranked in order from ditch to dank by, Cheech and Chong's Animated Movie (2013), Get Out of My Room (1985), Still Smokin' (1983), The Corsican Brothers (1984), Cheech and Chong's Next Movie (1980), Things Are Tough All Over (1982), Nice Dreams (1981), and of course in first place: Up in Smoke (1978).
“When you smoke marijuana, you are in the moment and you are happy. You forget about any worries of the past or the future.”
- Tommy Chong
Cheech and Chong are what friendship goals are made of! The duo have been friends since meeting at Chong’s families topless bar in Vancouver in the 1960’s (true story). Together they have earned a Grammy, five gold records and a cult classic following of millions of fans - including us!
Hope you enjoyed our menu inspiration featuring Cheech & Chong.
Stay tuned for more entries in the Iconic Stoner blog series.
Your cannabis menus are critical to creating memorable customer experiences and setting yourself apart from your competition. If your menus aren’t well integrated with your brand vision they can come off sterile, plain, and boring.
If you’re like us, you crave inspiration. Tess Edwards, a wonderful and talented designer, collaborated with us to capture iconic stoners throughout history in this inspirational blog series. She built these menus using just the tools available on BudSense and custom assets designed by her. Each custom cannabis menu captures the spirit and identity of the iconic stoner.
We hope you enjoyed our inspiration blog post. If you’re looking for help with taking your menus from good to great contact us any time. We are happy to brainstorm ideas with you.
If you’re curious about pricing, check it out on our pricing page. But don’t be a stranger, we are flexible in our offering. Make sure to reach out to us and help us understand your specific needs. We’re here to help.