Check out this Cannabis Dispensary Menu with Willie Nelson vibes
Willie Nelson
BudSense makes selling weed easy.
Here is your chance to get inspired. Try new things, get creative, and build better menus using BudSense. We can’t wait to see how these blog posts inspire you to put a little extra creativity into your web, print and digital menus.
Next in the series - The one and only, Willie Nelson
Cannabis Dispensary Menu Inpiration
Willie Nelson
Fun Fact:
Willie Nelson once ran into a burning house to save a stash. In an interview in 1980, he explained how he saw his home in Nashville burning to the ground. As soon as he saw the flames, he only had one thing in mind: Save the weed! And really, who could blame him?!
“The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”
- Willie Nelson
Another Fun Fact:
An unlikely duo, but bonded over their love of the green, Willie Nelson and Snoop have recorded a few songs together. One song that they teamed up is a Willie Nelson song called “Roll me up”. We would never leave you hanging, you can listen to it here!
Hope you enjoyed our menu inspiration featuring Willie Nelson.
Stay tuned for more entries in the Iconic Stoner blog series.
The Dude
Cyprus Hill
Your cannabis menus are critical to creating memorable customer experiences and setting yourself apart from your competition. If your menus aren’t well integrated with your brand vision they can come off sterile, plain, and boring.
If you’re like us, you crave inspiration. Tess Edwards, a wonderful and talented designer, collaborated with us to capture iconic stoners throughout history in this inspirational blog series. She built these menus using just the tools available on BudSense and custom assets designed by her. Each custom cannabis menu captures the spirit and identity of the iconic stoner.
We hope you enjoyed our inspiration blog post. If you’re looking for help with taking your menus from good to great contact us any time. We are happy to brainstorm ideas with you.
If you’re curious about pricing, check it out on our pricing page. But don’t be a stranger, we are flexible in our offering. Make sure to reach out to us and help us understand your specific needs. We’re here to help.