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Discover BudSense David Thomas Discover BudSense David Thomas

Learning from Canada’s Mistakes - Inventory Management and Smart Merchandising

In the evolving landscape of legalized recreational cannabis, other countries have a chance to learn from global leaders in the field, such as Canada. One of the valuable lessons from Canada's experience is the integration of advanced technological solutions, not only for efficient inventory management but also for smart merchandising.

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Cannabis Community Jessica Eren Cannabis Community Jessica Eren

Spain's Potential to Excel in the Technical Operations and Merchandising of Recreational Cannabis Stores

Spain is on the cusp of potentially becoming the next country to legalize recreational cannabis, a move that presents exciting opportunities for innovation and excellence in the technical operations and merchandising of cannabis stores. In this blog post, we will explore how Spain can take its cannabis retail operations to the next level, with a particular focus on merchandising.

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Cannabis Community David Thomas Cannabis Community David Thomas

Why Spain Is Likely the Next Country to Legalize Recreational Cannabis

The global momentum behind cannabis legalization continues to grow, with more countries reconsidering their stance on recreational cannabis use. Spain has recently emerged as a strong candidate for becoming the next country to legalize recreational cannabis. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons why Spain is poised to take this significant step and the potential impact of such a move.

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Cannabis Community Jessica Eren Cannabis Community Jessica Eren

Why Mexico is Likely the Next Country to Legalize Recreational Cannabis

In recent years, Mexico has emerged as a strong contender to become the next country to legalize recreational cannabis. With a history of drug-related violence and a changing attitude toward drug policy, Mexico seems poised to embrace cannabis legalization. In this blog post, we will explore why Mexico is likely to take this step and how the process might unfold.

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