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Discover BudSense David Thomas Discover BudSense David Thomas

The Cannabis Merchandising Maze: Managing the Impact of New Cannabis Products on Frontline Operations

Introducing new products in cannabis retail brings excitement for customers but poses logistical challenges for dispensaries, placing pressure on frontline operations due to unpredictable arrivals and limited time for updating materials. The blog discusses how this challenge unfolds and explores solutions, including the use of tools like BudSense.

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Discover BudSense David Thomas Discover BudSense David Thomas

The Ideal Cannabis Store Menu Solution

In the ever-evolving cannabis industry, staying ahead is crucial for success. With Enlightened shutting down dispensaries are now actively seeking alternatives, making BudSense the standout choice for enhancing customer experiences and streamlining operations through its exceptional cannabis store menu solution.

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Discover BudSense Robyn Ham Discover BudSense Robyn Ham

Improve Your Merchandising With Dynamic Columns

Cannabis products are challenging to merchandise. There is a vast amount of information you can communicate about each product including size, weight, cannabinoid percentages, price, effects, flavour, terpenes, and more!

With all these merchandising options it can be overwhelming to decide what to show and what to hide. Use Dynamic Columns to simplify your dispensary menus.

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