Product Labels on Dispensary Menus
Our team uses ‘Feature Spotlight’ to showcase specific Budsense features that can be used to improve customer experience, communicate product information, and create efficiencies in your operation.
This edition of ‘Feature Spotlight’ highlights Labels. Labels are used to emphasis product characteristics.
Cannabis Labels
Labels are used to show end customers important information to assist in their purchasing decisions. Currently, BudSense cannabis labels include Sales, Features, Low Stock, Restocked and newly added custom labels! These labels highlight individual products in real time to inform and catch customers’ attention.
Label’s appearance changes from theme to theme. This Delahaze Low Stock example is from our ‘Doug’ theme. For more information about themes reach out to us, we are happy to help.
Low Stock Tag for Delahaze by San Rafael ‘71
Label Display Customization
The display characteristics of labels are customizable to make sure labels look and feel exactly how you want them to on your menus. The text, label color, and text color, are all available for customization in the BudSense ‘Company Tab’.
Label Color - Select the background label color. RGB, HSL, or HEX
Label Text Color - Select the text label color. RGB, HSL, or HEX (Default: White)
Label Text - Edit the label text to description you prefer. Example - The Restocked label could read “Restocked”, “Just In”, “Fresh Bud”, whatever fits your brand vision.
Label display customization is available in the ‘Company Tab’.
Label color, label text color, and label text are all customizable to your brand’s unique needs.
Sale Label
Sale labels are one of BudSense’s most popular labels. They are used to indicate sale items. Sale labels are very simple to implement. All you need to do is set the custom text and colours in the BudSense ‘company tab’ and your BudSense / Point of Sale integration does the rest.
All sale information is automatically pulled from your inventory and displayed on your BudSense menus.
Alien Dawg Flower on Sale!
This example also makes use of the display name feature. This product is named Renew by Solei, but this particular store operator prefers to call it Alien Dawg, a name they feel customers are far more familiar with. They used the display name editing feature to change the display name to “Alien Dawg”. They are sure to inform the customer that the actual package they receive says Renew on the box!
Restocked Label
Restocked labels are an optional label used by many of our clients to communicate to customers when new stock hits the shelf. The restocked label is commonly renamed to “Just-In”, “Fresh”, “Re-Up”, or anything else that fits better into the overall brand vision.
Our clients have had success using this label to create learned behaviors in their customers. Customers that like trying new things come into the store looking for these labels.
The other significant benefit is reminding customers of a product that hasn’t been in stock for quite a while that they might have otherwise forgot about and could get lost in the sea of other products. The label helps bring it to the customers attention and hopefully increase the size of their basket.
Make sure to set the Restock Threshold to your desired timeline. This setting allows you to select how long a product is displayed as ‘Restocked’. For paper menus you may want to select 12 hours so you only get one print cycle. Digital menus may want to use 12 to 36 hours depending on how long you want to notify customers of the new products.
The restocked label is displayed on specific products when new inventory of that product is received. It is then displayed until the restock threshold time expires.
To turn off the feature just set the ‘Restock threshold’ to “0” in the ‘Company Tab’.
Low Stock Label
Low stock labels are used to indicate when a product is running out of stock. The threshold can be customized in the ‘Company Tab’. You can select whatever threshold you would like or “0” if you want to turn the feature off.
The low stock label is intended to communicate to end customers that a product is running out of stock. This idea communicates scarcity, helps sell off dead stock, and increases transparency. When a customer comes in and sees their favorite product with a low stock tag, they are likely to increase their basket size to make sure they don’t miss out the next time they are in.
Paper Menus have an added benefit when using the low stock label.
Digital cannabis menus are less of a concern, a product runs out of stock and it automatically gets removed from the menu. This is not the case for paper menus, obviously they are only as up to date as the frequency that you print them.
The low stock label helps. We have seen that end customers of paper menu stores have learned to ask “is this in stock” prior to asking for products. This unfortunate assumption of all products being out of stock does not create customer confidence and is unfortunately one of the negatives that paper menu stores have to deal with. The response to this is typically crossing out the product with a sharpie or printing a new menu.
Low Stock labels have an added benefit for paper menus.
They help communicate scarcity and soften the transition between in stock and out of stock for end customers.
In-stock to out-of-stock transition
The low stock label helps create a transitional phase between ‘In-stock’ and ‘Out-of-stock’, it notifies customers that the product they are looking for may be out of stock, and when they ask "Do you still have White Widow in stock?” they already understand that it may be out of stock due to the low stock label indication.
They are also more confident in the menu offering and don’t assume products without the low stock label are out of stock.
It’s a subtle difference, but the scarcity of the product has been communicated to the customer and they have a better understanding of the limitations of the menu.
Custom Labels
Behold! The newest addition to the BudSense company configurations - Custom labels! Custom labels are located below the restock labels and are a valuable branding tool.
Some examples of how custom labels could be used are - Staff Picks, Local Bud, High THC, Organic, and much more! Go ahead- get jiggy with it.
We hope you found our Feature Spotlight on Labels helpful. Learn more about our pricing or book a demo today to learn more about how BudSense can enhance your cannabis shop!
Ira is always on the lookout for the top indica strains available on the OCS, prioritizing craft-grown flower with rich aromas, potent effects, and premium quality. From Royal Dive #3: Hindu Glue to Gas Face by Sixty Seven Sins, she carefully selects strains that deliver ultimate relaxation. With dispensaries offering an ever-expanding selection of high-quality indicas, there’s always something new to explore.
Which top-tier indica from the OCS is on your must-try list?